How to Start Writing a Book

For most of us, the hardest part of writing a book is getting started. . Where do I start? At what point should  I contact a publisher? Who will  edit my book? On what topic should I focus? How many drafts is too many? Too few? What do I do about the design of the cover? Let’s start at the beginning and build from there. 

Brainstorm a topic

Brainstorming a topic for your book takes time. A good place to start is by exploring your passions. What topics inspire you? What topic could you speak on for a half hour or more? Have you thought up an incredible story line for a fantasy novel? Take the time to write down these ideas and think them over, then set them aside for a few days and come back for a second look. Research the particular topics that interest you and the genre in which you are hoping to write. 

Identify a topic

Once you have brainstormed several topics it can become easier to identify the topic on which you would like to focus. Pick one and stick with it for a bit, work in the details and challenge yourself to see how well you can create your story.

Share your topic with a trusted friend

Sharing your ideas is a great start to making the dream of writing a book your reality. Choose a trusted friend to share the topic with, as this will give you the chance to vocalize your topic ideas and let someone know that you are working on a book. Writing a book takes a whole team and you want the best people in your corner from the beginning. Other people can help you explore the marketability of your book idea. Is it something people would want to read? 

Stick With It

Whether you are actively writing content for your book, or just writing,it is so important to write every single day, and we mean every day. Take the time each day to exercise that creative muscle that allows your story to be put down on a page. Find writing exercises that inspire you and keep going when it gets hard. 

Writing a book is going to take time and effort but it will be worth it when you see the completed product.

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